Towards a Simple and More User-Friendly Application


UX Design



1 Mot

Hi back me again! my name Reisky Khoelius a passionate UI/UX designer.

Now i got some projects to research about aplication apps mobile in background user always get pain point about this apps so let’s start how i can solve the problem

Overview 📖 is an online platform that connects individuals or companies with professionals who have the creative and technical skills needed. They offer a variety of services, including freelancer recruiting, job bidding, and project team collaboration.

However, “many users find the application confusing, especially in searching for projects that match their profile. They experienced difficulties because the search flow was considered less intuitive and ineffective.

About 📚 is an online platform that connects talented freelancers with clients who need various professional services in Indonesia. Founded with the aim of making it easier to find and provide services efficiently, has become the main solution for many businesses and individuals.’s goal is to become one of the number 1 best freelancer platforms in Indonesia. Of course, this is also what makes always grow.

  • Categories of Services Offered:
    The platform covers a wide range of project categories, including graphic design, content writing, web development, translation, and digital marketing. This allows clients to find freelancers that suit their specific needs.

  • Ease of Search and Offers offers convenience for clients to post their projects and receive offers from freelancers. Instead, freelancers can browse the list of available projects and bid according to their skills.

  • Transaction Security
    With an escrow system that guarantees transaction security, ensures that payments are only released to freelancers after the project is completed satisfactorily. This provides a sense of security for both clients and freelancers in every transaction carried out.

  • Effective Communication
    This platform provides communication features that allow clients and freelancers to interact directly. This feature ensures a clear understanding of project needs and the progress that has been achieved, so that each project can be completed well.

  • Reputation and Reviews
    Reviews and ratings from previous projects help build a freelancer’s reputation and give clients confidence in choosing the right professional. Clients can see reviews of previous work, which helps them make more informed decisions.

With this, wants to always be the best freelancers platform in Indonesia

My role🙋🏻‍♂️

  • UX Research

  • UI Design

Project Duration⏱️

  • 1 Month

UX Research Process👩🏻‍💻🔎

Research Objective🏡

The main goal when conducting this research is to find out user behavior, pain points found while using the application and finally user needs that you want to find when looking for a project.


Here I use the Qualitative research method (In-depth Interview). I want to be able to deepen my understanding of users using this method.

Sample Specification(Respondent Criteria)

1. Have experience as a freelancer
2. Have no experience as a freelancer
3. Domiciled anywhere in Indonesia
4. 18–45 years old

Key Information area

1. Behavior of user when Search projects freelancer
2. The obstacle that user meets when find the projects
3. The need that user want when Finding projects
4. The goal that user Finding a projects
5. Motivation that trigger users to Use The aplication to find freelancer
6. Expectation that user put to use aplication freelance

Research Guideline

After making a research plan, I compiled a research guideline for conducting interviews. The research guideline contains important points that I will ask questions to get insight data from users. The following are the main points that users are asked about:

1. How is the behavior of users when Search projects freelancer?
2. What are the pain points that user experience when Finding a projects?
3. What user needs when search a project freelance?
4. What are the goals that users want to achieve?
5. What is the motivation that user have search to find a projects?
6. What is the expectation of user when search a projects?

Conducting the research🔍

I found 5 participants that I would interview and all of the participants had experience as freelancers, of course they are still active as freelancers.

There are several interview results that I highlight from several participants. The results are as follows:

User Persona 👩‍🚀

Here I created an appropriate user persona which from the results of participant interviews for this matter I created as below:

Coustmer Journey Map🏃🏻

Here I created a Coustemer Jouney map and I found enough results. Here I got a lot of information about the user, what feelings the user felt, what problems the user experienced, and opportunities that could be suggested to solve the problems the user experienced.

Pain Points 😩

After I carried out an analysis, I found that there were several things that made it difficult for users to use the application.

Confusing login

“When you want to log in, it’s very confusing, even registering because you have to wait for the OTP but the OTP never comes.”

There are no guidelines for filling out a profile properly and correctly

“Users feel confused when they want to fill out a profile, especially for new users because there are no guidelines for what a good profile should look like.”

Irrelevance of Available Projects

“When users use the search feature, users feel that the results that appear are not relevant. Likewise, on their homepage, users want to have results that are relevant to their job title.”

No Cover Letter Tips.

“Users want to have tips on how to fill out a cover letter correctly so that it can help users when they want to send a bid.”


After finding the user’s pain point, I carry out ideation by making a matrix of which ideation I need to work on first

Setelah saya mengemprioritazkan mana yang harus kerjakan terlebih dahulu saya langsung untuk membuat prototypenya langsung.

User Flow

Information Architecture

Design & Prototype🎨

First I made a Wireframe, after that I worked on the Design System and Mockup to be upgraded to the testing phase so that the results were as expected.


Design System

1. Typography

2. Color Pallet

3. Component


Usability Testing

After working on several things, I immediately selected several participants to carry out usability testing to check whether the results of the design I had worked on met what the user needed and whether the problem had been resolved.

Participan Criteria

UT will be carried out for 4 users with the following specifications:

  • Have experience as a freelancer

  • Have no experience as a freelancer

  • Become a part-time freelancer


  • Metode: direct interview (face to face)

  • Tool: figma mobile app (for prototype), Maze (For Usability test to users)

  • Duration: 5–10 Minutes.

Tasks & Scenario

  • Now imagine you are a freelancer who has just joined the application. You want to register and look for projects you can work on

  • We will show you previous versions of the app. We want you to register and search for available projects or jobs.

  • Now, try the latest version of the app. Select register on Google, then search for available projects or jobs.

Result UT

I found satisfactory results here because the design I worked on was successful in increasing user comfort. Of course it’s not enough here, but there will be more things that I will work on, such as Findings in this UT Design.

UT Findings


After everything I did from Research to UT I found many things that I learned. Getting to the moment of in-depth user interviews to find a problem and finding participants is an expensive experience that I found while solving problems in this application.

I hope that the things I do on this project can help UI/UX Design friends out there and don’t forget to always give me feedback. Your feedback really helps me. Thank you!